This release is considered a major one, with essential new functions and improvements. Downloading this update is highly recommended. Here are the highlights of this release.

New AI Content Generation Tool

With the rise of AI, we have provided the integration needed to allow you to easily generate creative content for your ebook. With just a few clicks, you can create in-context introductions and conclusions, or fill in missing parts of your ebook. Supported content includes text, images, and questions. 

For more details, check out the following articles:

Generate Text Using AI

Generate Images Using AI

Generate Questions Using AI

We have rebranded our shared library as "Kotobee Books" and launched a new website ( Now you have the option to use either Kotobee Author or our new website to add your ebooks to the library. If you primarily work with the shared library (i.e. Kotobee Books), it can be more efficient to interact directly with the browser using its user-friendly interface. You can log in using the same serial number that you already have or using Single Sign-On with the same email used for your existing registration. 

Toolbox New Look

Kotobee Author's interactive toolbox now has a cleaner look with a new set of icons.

Per-User Email Language

If you are using cloud ebooks or libraries, it is an ongoing activity to have emails sent to your signed-up users. Those emails may contain information about account activation, password reset, and other notifications. Previously, there was an option to set a default language for all emails sent from the library or cloud ebook email settings section. Now with a new addition to the same section, you can enable individual users to receive emails in their preferred language independently.

Export Analytics Reports

You can now find an XLS button on your library or cloud ebook dashboard, which enables you to export comprehensive lists of analytics, instead of being limited to viewing only the top 6 results.

Promocode Auto Login URL

One highly requested feature has been to offer special links for hosted ebooks or libraries that automatically log in users with a specific promo code included in the URL. Now you can find, next to each promo code, a button that allows you to easily copy the corresponding URL with the promo code included.

Library Menu Routes

The library's recent update brings a new browser functionality. Clicking on any top menu item dynamically modifies the URL. This ensures that the browser's back and forward buttons navigate correctly in sequential order. The modified URLs follow the following format:

Copy Ebook URL

A new button has been added to allow you to copy your hosted ebook's URL to the clipboard.

Stripe Billing Address

If you're selling your ebooks using Stripe, you can now enable billing address collection.

MP3 Player Mini-App Playback Speed 

If you have integrated the MP3 Player mini-app into your ebook, your users now have the option to select the playback speed, choosing between 1x, 1.5x, and 2x. This enhancement allows for a more personalized audio experience.

This release also features plenty of important bug fixes, especially with Single Sign-On for mobile apps.

Download the newest version, v1.8.9, from

If you have any feedback or special requests for any of our Kotobee products, we would be more than happy and grateful to hear them. You can contact us through the website. 

Enjoy the rest of your day!