Learn how to export your library as a Chrome app, run the app locally and pack it for distribution on the Chrome Web Store.

Why export as a Desktop App?

If you'd like to enable offline access for your users, you need to do so before your libraries are exported.

Exporting your ebook as a Desktop App allows your readers to view your book from their computers. Instructional ebooks, particularly ones with complex diagrams are better viewed on a wide screen. That's why desktop apps are commonly used in schools, training centers, libraries etc.

Chrome apps are a good way to run offline apps on different platforms using the same package file. They are run inside the Google Chrome web browser, or on  Google Chromebooks. Chrome apps are the only way to install an app onto a Chromebook. 

  1. Click on the Manage tab.

    The Manage screen will open.

  2. Click on Libraries in the left panel.

  3. Select your library from the drop-down menu in the top bar. 

  4. Click on the Export tab.

  5. Select the Export Desktop Apps tab. 
    This will allow you the choice of three different platforms: Windows, Macintosh, and Chrome App.) 
  6. Fill in the Application Name, and an optional App logo.
  7. Click on Set description and version in the Chrome App box. 
  8. Enter the description and version of the app.
    (The description will appear in the Chrome Web Store if you are planning to submit your app there).
  9. Click on Create once you are ready. 

Running your Chrome App locally

Here's how you can run your Chrome app on your browser:

  1. Open Google Chrome and go to this URL chrome://extensions. You will see the screen below:blob1476115934266.png
  2. Check Developer mode at the top right. Once checked, these buttons for extensions will appear:blob1476117066741.png
  3. Click on Load unpackaged extension and browse the folder exported from Kotobee Author. (You will find your app shown at the top of the list).blob1476117352056.png
  4. Launch the app by just clicking on the Launch button. (This will give you a preview of what the app will look like).

Pack your Chrome App

If you plan on submitting your app to the Chrome Web Store, pack it. 

Click on the Pack extension button. (Next to the Load unpacked extension... button.) Two files will be created for you: the extension file (with file extension .crx) and the private key file (with file extension .perm). A window will appear showing you where you can find your extension and key files on your computer.

You will need both files when submitting your app to the Chrome Web Store.

If you want to distribute your ebook app privately or for sale, you'll need Kotobee Cloud Services. For more information on this feature, please refer to Understanding Cloud Ebooks.