Learn the best practices for reducing the turnaround time for having your support issues resolved.

Efficiently Describing Issues

To avoid lengthy time-consuming conversations, we strongly recommend applying the following points before submitting any issue:

  1. If there is a technical problem, mention the steps to replicate the problem, and make sure the problem appears consistently (not randomly) after following those steps.
  2. Mention the version of the product (e.g. Kotobee Author v1.5.5) and your operating system (e.g. Windows 10).
  3. Attach a screenshot (or even video capture) would help speed up resolving the issue.
  4. Make sure the explanation in your request is clear and to the point.

Sending Large Files

Large files (over 10 MB) should be sent using https://www.wetransfer.com or any other file sharing service (e.g. Google Drive, DropBox, iCloud) in case you're using one already. Make sure the appropriate permissions is set to the file in case you're using your own account.

For wetransfer, simply select the large file, enter your email, and enter support@kotobee.com as the recipient email. In the message, either include the ticket number or mention a description of what this file is for.

Sending EPUB or KPUB2 Files

EPUB or KPUB2 files should never be sent as email attachments since in most cases they land into our spam folder. Instead, user wetransfer (or any file sharing service) regardless of how small the file is.

Attaching Screenshots

In case you're communicating using live chat, use image sharing website like https://pasteboard.co or https://snag.gy to take and share screenshots instantly. The way those websites work is by simply pasting (or browsing to) the image in the browser. The website will provide you with a URL that you can share with us.

Screen (Video) Capture

Download and install TinyTake to efficiently take screen captures and share them through an online link. Only use this for problems that are difficult to explain through text or images.

In some cases, even all these different ways of explaining the problem would not be enough to resolve the problem. In that case, a TeamViewer session is set up to troubleshoot this problem remotely on your machine. To learn more, read Troubleshooting with TeamViewer.

Sending the Log

Support may ask for the Kotobee Author log file in order to pinpoint a certain problem. To retrieve and send the log file, please read Sending the Log.