This release is almost a major one, with plenty of new features added to Kotobee Author, Reader, Cloud, and Library, as well as a new look to our website. We've also added new sections describing our new Kotobee Services, as well as case studies to see successful customer stories. There are also more sample books shown in our homepage.
In case you've missed the previous release notes, you may access it from here: Kotobee v1.5.6 Platform Release / 23rd May 2019.
Invite Others to Collaborate
Your library now has a new Share button, similar to Google Docs, that will allow you to invite others to collaborate with you in the library. These users do not have to be Kotobee users. They will automatically have an account created for them, receive a notification email, and not need to pay for a license.
The invited user may have a permission as small as adding books to the library (without publishing), all the way to editing the entire library settings. There are many combinations of permissions to choose from. More information permissions may be found at the article Select the Appropriate Permissions for Your User.
Public Books in Private Libraries
Now you make specific books in your library available to anonymous users, without requiring login.
Hosting Upload Limits Unlocked
The limit to uploading hosted ebooks and library ebooks still is 150 MB per book. We believe no ebook should surpass that size, but rather be optimized for a better end-user experience. The way this was implemented technically also does not allow more than 150 MB uploads (server limitation). This limitation has now been lifted, and our server can handle much larger file sizes. You're still locked to 150 MB however, but for special requests to increase that limit, please contact us.
An Updated Foundation for Author and Reader
Kotobee Author's internal libraries and underlying architecture has been updated and refactored, to be more stable, faster, and memory efficient. The reader is refactored and files are better cached by the reader, browser, and server. Your ebook apps now will load much faster and provide a much better user experience.
Responsive Popup Widgets
You can now select to have a popup widget be in a responsive frame, rather than a fixed frame.
Design Customization Options
You can now select the starting screen's loader color:
You can also select the color of the selected chapter in the chapter's panel, which was always fixed to light blue:
That's all folks!